The importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) has become known to a large percentage of the global population through the dangers of COVID-19. As the understanding of bad or even dangerous matter being present in aerosols has increased, more questions about IAQ have been raised. Due to facility closures, building owners and operators have faced an existential threat to operations due to lack of occupants.

While it is currently in the spotlight, IAQ has been a much-researched topic for decades. There are many studies on the real impact of good and poor IAQ on build occupants’ near- and long-term health, as well as on productivity and performance. Excellent IAQ has a real impact on the bottom line.

However, IAQ standards have been a lower priority due to cost and the more urgent focus on energy savings. Despite increasing scientific proof of IAQ impact, few have paid attention to the “unseen” threat — until COVID-19. With continuously improving sensor technologies, now we can better “see” the risks and determine when IAQ is poor.

IAQ science is a journey. We learn more every day. Targets and performance can change with more understanding and with improved indoor air management technologies. Bringing together the expertise of many different IAQ technology companies, the Indoor Air Hygiene Institute is in a unique position to understand the critical interconnectedness of ventilation, filtration and purification in establishing the best IAQ possible. And how to do so while minimizing energy costs and impact.

poor air quaility costs $10 billion per year

Certify Your Indoor Air Quality

Ensure you are taking the right steps to provide quality indoor air. Give people the confidence to return indoors.